Video intercoms in a private house with an electromechanical lock

Each owner of a country house or cottage with the adjacent territory sooner or later wants to get a video intercom, which will provide an opportunity to see the visitor, talk to him and open the gate or gate without leaving the house.

The principle of operation and the device of the video intercom

Video intercom allows you to let visitors into the territory, well, leaving the house

Any video intercom for a private house uses the same algorithm in its work:

  1. The device turns on and starts working at the moment when the visitor presses the call button built into his external panel.
  2. After pressing the call button, the intercom unit notifies the owner with a sound signal and turns on the monitor. At the same time, the owners can examine the visitor and communicate with him.
  3. To let the visitor into the house or the territory of the plot, the owner just needs to press the button of the remote control of the locking device and open the gate or door.
  4. The video intercom turns off as soon as the door is opened or the intercom tube is returned to its place.

A number of video intercoms have the function of permanent video recording, which allows you to fix the visitor even if their owners are not at home.

Analog video intercom

Analog video intercom

An analog video intercom is a device that has been repeatedly tested in practice and is distinguished by its simplicity of design. Used when wires can be used to connect modules.

As standard, the analog video intercom includes:

  • calling panel;
  • negotiation module;
  • an electromechanical or electromagnetic lock that can be opened from the outside and from the inside;
  • exit button;
  • Power Supply;
  • special keys that should be in the personal use of the owners of the house;
  • connecting wires.

The external panel, which has a built-in video camera, microphone and call button, is used to send a signal to the owner, audio communication between the visitor and the owner of the house and control the electromechanical lock using a key.

The communication module with a built-in display, a lock control button is designed to receive ringing signals from the external panel, audio-visual communication between the owner of the house and the visitor, and remote control of the lock.

The lock is permanently locked and can only be opened by a command received from the communication module or the owner's key.

The exit button is installed on the inside of a door or wicket and is used so that the owner of the house can leave it without using a key.

Connecting wires are needed to ensure the connection of individual modules to each other.

The power supply supplies the mains voltage to all functional modules of the system.

IP video intercom

IP video intercom is a digital wireless system that, in addition to the functions that analog devices have, provides:

  • wireless communication between functional modules;
  • Internet connection;
  • work in the local network of a private house.

For the operation of the IP video intercom, an uninterruptible power supply is required, which is included in the package.

The IP video intercom can be controlled from mobile devices (smartphone, tablet PC) equipped with a special application.

Criteria for choosing a video intercom

In a large house, it is more convenient to use the IP model with a portable receiving module

When purchasing a video intercom in a private house, the buyer should pay attention to the features associated with the arrangement of the gate / wicket, the house itself and the adjacent territory. However, there are a number of criteria that play a special role when choosing such a device:

  • analog or IP video intercom;
  • video camera and call panel;
  • monitor size;
  • type of electric lock.

It is recommended to use IP video intercom when a country house has several floors and many rooms. This will greatly simplify installation and eliminate the need for wiring. A wireless video call at the gate to a private house will ensure the transmission of signals from the door station to the intercom module at a distance of up to 100 m. In this case, a portable intercom module with autonomous power supply and with a built-in display looks like a tablet or a telephone receiver.

Concrete and brick walls reduce the quality of the transmitted signals. Therefore, before installing the IP device, you need to check the received video image and speech intelligibility.

When there are few rooms in the house, and the calling panel is supposed to be placed in the hallway, it is better to opt for a cheaper analog video intercom.

It is equally important to pay attention to the presence of an additional outdoor panel when choosing a video intercom. One is installed on the gate (wicket), and the second is installed directly on the entrance doors. The camcorder is designed to provide high-quality video images, for which the angle of view of its lens should be relatively small. This will avoid distortion of the video picture.

The external call panel must be in a vandal-proof case, and the camera lens is covered with a safety glass lens.

Existing technologies guarantee high image quality, in which the smallest details are visible, so only the screen size matters. For example, if your home is visually impaired, the screen size should be at least 7 "diagonally.

No less critical part than all other video intercom modules is the lock. Depending on the design, it can be mortise and overhead, the choice largely depends on the design of the wicket or front door. Locks for video intercoms are:

  • electromechanical;
  • electromagnetic.

The electromechanical video intercom lock for a private house is a device with a bolt that can be moved to the desired position using an electric drive. In the event of a power outage, the lock remains closed and can be opened manually.

An electromagnetic lock is a device that has no mechanical elements. It is locked due to the fact that a powerful electromagnet is pressed against a metal bar. Such a lock works absolutely silently, however, in the event of a power outage, it remains open. Therefore, it needs an energy-intensive uninterruptible power supply capable of maintaining the lock in working order for a sufficiently long time.

The best models in different market segments:

  • NOVIcam WHITE MAGIC 4 - economy class;
  • FALCON EYE FE - 70C4 - optimal price / quality ratio;
  • Slinex SL - 10IPT - remote control capability.

Installation and installation of video intercoms must be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations given in the manuals for their operation. It is better to entrust this work to qualified specialists.
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