Varieties of solutions for laying the stove

Building a stove or fireplace in a house with your own hands is a process that requires certain skills and knowledge. When building furnace equipment, it is important to choose a suitable mortar for masonry, the quality of which directly affects the reliability and proper functioning of the entire structure. The mortar for laying the stove is divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. It is important to choose the right category of solution depending on the type of work and prepare it taking into account the indicated proportions.

Types of mortars for masonry oven

The mortar for the brickwork of the furnace consists of several components - sand, clay, cement

Furnace mortar for standard masonry is a mixture of a binder and a special filler, which is filled with water. This mixture hardens after laying and bonds the individual blocks, stones and bricks together. The strength of the substance depends on the quality of the solution, which must be selected depending on the type of material. The quality changes with regard to the components contained, they are divided into two categories: binders and aggregates. The density of the solution is controlled with water added during mixing. The preparation of the mixture should be carried out according to the rules, if the mixture is of poor quality, it is easy to determine by the state of the oven:

  • the presence of cracks in the seams of the masonry, which are formed in places of maximum heating;
  • smoke entering the room;
  • loose bricks, blocks or stones from which the furnace is made.

When using a low-quality mortar, the owner of the furnace will subsequently have to repair individual elements of the equipment and repair cracks.

For chimney

For laying the chimney and stove, you can use refractory purchased mixtures

Standard oven mortar cannot be used for laying the chimney, as it is exposed to severe thermal and chemical stress during operation. For this purpose, refractory mixtures that are resistant to acids and withstand extremely high temperatures can be used. It is better to choose formulations that are optimal in terms of fat content, which include several components. These can be mixtures based on cement with lime or sand. It is important to pay attention to the density indicators of the composition, the finished mixture should be as homogeneous as possible and have a creamy consistency.

For the foundation

To build the foundation of furnace equipment, clay mixtures made from red or white clay mixed with sand are most often used. The components are thoroughly cleaned from impurities, achieving their homogeneity, the standard mixture contains 1 part clay and 2 parts sand, or vice versa. The main criterion for the finished solution is its fat content, on which the binding properties of the mixture, its uniformity and, accordingly, the reliability of the future foundation will depend. Too soft a solution can provoke the formation of cracks in the masonry; a liquid solution will not make the structure sufficiently reliable. An elastic and quick-drying clay mixture with the addition of sand is an ideal choice.


To create the base and cladding, the most commonly used pottery mortar for a standard oven is clay and water. Sometimes auxiliary components are added to it, for example, shavings, sawdust or building sand.It is advisable to use sand-cement mortar in order to level out irregularities on the surface of the equipment and for its lining.

A mixture based on one cement is used for sealing joints during the laying of the foundation. The lime mixture is recommended to be used during plastering and pipe laying.

Varieties and characteristics of solutions

Fireclay is intended for laying refractory bricks

The mortar for any stove must meet the standard requirements. This list includes thermal stability, which ensures the safety of the equipment and the ability to operate it in full mode. The correct mixture must also be flexible enough so that cracks do not form on the walls of the structure. All mixtures are divided into types according to components, among them there are options based on gypsum, lime, cement, as well as mixed options.

Types of solutions:

  • heat-resistant, characterized by good resistance to high temperatures and retaining their chemical properties after drying without deformation;
  • heat-resistant, which do not expand and do not change their properties during heating, they are more resistant to thermal deformation in comparison with heat-resistant counterparts, ideally hold dynamic and static loads;
  • fireproof, can be both heat-resistant and heat-resistant, in addition to high temperatures, they are able to withstand the effects of aggressive chemicals contained in exhaust gases.

When erecting brick and other furnace equipment, including those that does not heat above 400 degrees, only heat-resistant and fire-resistant masonry-type mortars should be used. It is dangerous to use ordinary building mixtures in such cases, the destruction of the chimney or other elements can lead to a fire.

How to mix the solution correctly

It is recommended to prepare the solution in a minimum amount so as not to freeze

The mixture used for work must be made as high quality as possible, since the strength of the finished masonry largely depends on it. It traditionally includes the main filler, water, as well as one or more binders; complex solutions contain at least two such components.

In this work, mixtures with an average level of plasticity are used, where the binder and filler correspond to the norm. They are able to give a minimum of shrinkage, have a high level of strength and do not crack. Too liquid mixtures are not suitable, since they are not strong and plastic enough, oily ones can crack after drying. The amount of water must correspond to the required consistency. It must be remembered that ready-made solutions are stored only in a closed form to avoid contamination.


To prepare a clay-sand mortar, it is enough to soak the required amount of clay for 1-2 days. After that, pre-sifted sand is poured onto a wooden board in a bed and the required amount of clay is placed in the dug groove. It is covered with sand from the edges, then mixed with a shovel, breaking lumps and large pieces to obtain a perfectly homogeneous solution. From the resulting mass, a bed is formed up to 20-25 cm high and up to 30-35 cm wide, then divide it into equal parts using a shovel.

The clay must be completely mixed with the sand. Then I add water to the mass to dilute it to a pasty consistency, the thickness of the seams when working with such a solution usually reaches 1 cm.Clay solutions have low strength characteristics, in a wet state this indicator reaches 2 kg / cm2, in a dry state it varies from 4 to 8 kg / cm2. To increase the strength, 1 liter of Portland cement or 100-250 g of common salt is added to a bucket of mortar.

To make a high-quality clay mixture, all components are thoroughly mixed. If there is an excess of cement in the mass, cracks may form in the seams of the masonry over time.The presence of cement in permissible proportions makes the mortar more plastic and increases its strength.


Refractory mortar is used for laying the firebox

In order not to purchase a ready-made mixture for laying a refractory furnace made of bricks or other materials, you can prepare it yourself. Fireclay solution is prepared from crushed refractory clay and quartz sand; it will have a high level of fire resistance and ultimate gas density. It should be borne in mind that it is not suitable for outdoor masonry and has a short shelf life, but it is able to restore all its properties after mixing with water.

The heat resistance index of fireclay refractory mortar is higher compared to analogues, such a mixture can withstand up to 1200-1300 degrees. Experts recommend choosing it to create a chimney and combustion zone, mixing it with clay in a one-to-one ratio. Mortars with refractory clay are also used for cladding, which can be carried out no earlier than four weeks after the operation of the oven for a bath or house.


Sometimes, to work with some elements of the furnace, it is required to knead the simplest mortar, consisting of clay and water. It should be quite greasy, viscous and thick, so you need to choose carefully sifted clay for it. The uniqueness of the clay lies in its high strength after firing, it is also resistant to high temperatures and provides an ideal adhesion to the entire structure. For the manufacture of a standard composition, clay and water are taken in equal proportions, which can be changed in one direction or another, depending on the type of the main component. The clay is mixed with water to an ideal creamy consistency and a wooden plank is lowered there. The ideal composition leaves a layer with a thickness of no more than 2 mm on a wooden surface.


Lime is added to the solution for laying the chimney on the roof so that the composition does not collapse in the rain

Some formulations can successfully replace clay ones, including a lime-based solution. It should be borne in mind that it can be used not for all structural components, but only for the chimney, foundation, pipe and the first rows of masonry. The lime mixture is suitable for plastering stoves, as well as for working with those parts of the building that do not heat up to temperatures above 450-500 degrees. The composition of slaked lime is more durable than clay, it is characterized by optimal moisture resistance and strength, and has a reduced gas density. It can be used for cladding outdoor outdoor parts of the structure.

How to cook with your own hands

The process of preparing the masonry mixture should take place according to the rules and taking into account the characteristics of the selected components that make up the solution. You can prepare any mixture yourself at home, following the instructions.

The fat content of the solution is selected empirically in order to achieve an average consistency.

An example is the process of making one of the most popular types of mortar - lime. For it, you need 1 part of lime in the form of a dough, combined with 2-3 parts of sand. Before preparing the solution, the dough is filtered through a sieve and mixed with sifted sand, then water is added and all components are thoroughly mixed. Fresh lime mortar is able to maintain its properties throughout the day. To increase its strength, cement is added to the composition, and gypsum is added to reduce the hardening time.

A lime-based solution is distinguished by the level of fat content, to determine it, the finished mixture is stirred with a wooden spatula for several minutes and then the degree of its adhesion is looked at. The liquid solution will not stick to the base of the scapula, the oily solution will cover it with a dense layer, the normal one will partially or thinner. The ideal option would be a mixture with an optimal fat content.To change its degree, lime dough or sand is added there in order to increase or decrease the fat content of the prepared solution.

A properly selected mortar for laying a furnace made of bricks or other materials must have an optimal level of heat resistance, withstand various temperature changes without the risk of loss of strength and cracking. A suitable mixture should be selected taking into account the type of elements of the furnace equipment, as well as the permissible thermal loads.

  • A solution of any type should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. Its quality is checked by laying a few bricks. If the grout is too thin, the joints will not fill completely.
  • It is imperative to test the main component, such as clay, without relying on the indicated proportions.
  • Do not overuse additives for mixtures; in some cases, additives or plasticizers, ash, terracotta and other components are added to the solution. They are used to improve the frost resistance or hydrophobicity of the joints.
  • Masonry mortar is not used at temperatures below 5-8 degrees, the finished mixture must withstand the maximum recommended values.
Clay is checked for fat content using flattened balls

You can check the quality of the oven solution both at the preparation stage and afterwards at home. The fat content of any clay depends on the depth of its occurrence - the deeper, the more liquid the solution will turn out to be. You can check this by touch, a small part of the material is soaked with water to the state of plasticine.

If the composition crumbles after adding liquid, the clay is too skinny, it should not be used. At home, you can make two clay blanks by taking half a liter of dried clay and 100-150 ml of water. Two balls of the same size are molded from the mass and dried for 2-3 days. After drying, check the quality of the clay for defects.
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