Heating of industrial premises is a prerequisite for protecting the health of workers and the safety of equipment

In the cold season, the autonomous heating of the industrial premises provides the employees of the enterprise with comfortable working conditions. Normalization of the temperature regime also has a beneficial effect on the safety of buildings, machines and equipment. Heating systems, with the unity of the task before them, have technological differences. Some use hot water boilers to heat industrial premises, while others use compact heaters. Consider the specifics of industrial heating and the effectiveness of the use of various systems.

Requirements for heating industrial premises

Standards of temperature parameters for various categories of work
Standards of temperature parameters for various categories of work

At low temperatures, heating of industrial premises, as required by labor protection, should be carried out in cases where the time spent by workers there exceeds 2 hours. The only exceptions are premises in which the constant presence of people is not necessary (for example, rarely visited warehouses). Also, they do not heat structures, being inside which is equivalent to carrying out work outside buildings. However, here, too, it is necessary to provide for the presence of special devices for heating workers.

Labor protection imposes a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements on heating industrial premises:

  • heating the air inside the premises to a comfortable temperature;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature due to the amount of heat released;
  • inadmissibility of air pollution with harmful gases and unpleasant odors (especially for stove heating of industrial premises);
  • the desirability of combining the heating process with ventilation;
  • ensuring fire and explosion safety;
  • reliability of the heating system during operation and ease of repair.

Outside working hours, the temperature in heated rooms can be reduced, but not lower than +5 ° С. At the same time, industrial heating must have sufficient power to have time to restore the normal temperature regime by the beginning of the work shift.

Calculation of autonomous heating of industrial premises

Installation of the heating system begins at the stage of construction of the production building
Installation of the heating system begins at the stage of construction of the production building

When calculating the autonomous heating of a production facility, it is assumed that a constant temperature should be maintained in a workshop, garage or warehouse without strong changes. For this, a central boiler room is being built, and heating radiators for industrial premises are installed in the working area. However, in some enterprises there is a need to create separate zones with different air temperatures. For the first of these cases, a calculation is made for the use of a central heating system, and for the second, for the use of local heaters.

In practice, the calculation of the heating system of a production room should be based on the following criteria:

  • area and height of the heated building;
  • heat loss through walls and roofs, windows and doors;
  • heat loss in the ventilation system;
  • heat consumption for technological needs;
  • thermal power of heating units;
  • rationality of using one or another type of fuel;
  • conditions for laying pipelines and air ducts.

Based on this, the need for heat energy is determined to maintain the optimal temperature. A more accurate calculation of heating systems for industrial premises is facilitated by the use of special calculation tables. In the absence of data on the thermotechnical properties of the building, the heat consumption has to be determined approximately according to the specific characteristics.

When making a choice among various types of industrial heating systems, one should take into account the specifics of production, heat engineering calculations, cost and availability of fuel - and on this build feasibility studies. The systems of infrared, water, air and electric types correspond most fully to autonomous heating of modern industrial premises.

Infrared heating of industrial premises

To create the necessary thermal comfort at workplaces, infrared heating of industrial premises is often used. Infrared (IR) heat radiators of local action are installed mainly in workshops and warehouses with an area of ​​up to 500 m² and with high ceilings. In each of these devices, a heat generator, a heater and a heat-release surface are structurally combined.

Advantages of infrared heating of industrial premises:

  • there is only heating of the floor, walls, workshop equipment and directly people working in the room;
  • the air does not heat up, which means that the consumption of thermal energy is reduced;
  • dust does not rise into the air, which is especially important for enterprises of the electronic, food industry and precision engineering;
  • heating design and installation costs are minimized;
  • infrared heaters do not take up useful space.
Radiant energy is generated directly above the heated area
Radiant energy is generated directly above the heated area

IR heaters are divided into stationary and portable, and depending on the place of installation, into ceiling, wall and floor. If necessary, impact on individual workplaces, apply directional infrared radiation using small wall heaters. But if you mount infrared film heating on the ceiling of the production room, then the heating will be uniform over the entire area. Often they also arrange warm floors based on panels with built-in IR heaters, but with such a system, electricity consumption increases.

The enterprises also use infrared gas heating of industrial premises. Such heating devices are fueled by natural gas, which is cheaper than electricity. The main advantage of gas infrared emitters is considered to be their cost-effectiveness.

Emitters for infrared gas heating systems of industrial premises are produced in several types:

  • high-intensity (light) with a heat transfer temperature of 800–1200 ° С;
  • low-intensity (dark) with a temperature of 100–550 ° С;
  • low-temperature with a temperature of 25-50 ° C).

A limitation in the use of industrial infrared heaters is the requirement not to place them in rooms with a ceiling height below 4 m.

Water heating of industrial premises

Schematic representation of a boiler room device for industrial heating
Schematic representation of a boiler room device for industrial heating

If a water heating system is used at the enterprise, a special boiler room must be built for its construction, a piping system must be laid and heating radiators must be installed in production premises. In addition to the main elements, the system also includes means of ensuring operability, such as shut-off valves, pressure gauges, etc.To maintain the water heating system of industrial premises, it is necessary to constantly maintain special personnel.

According to the principle of its device, water heating of industrial premises is:

  • one-pipe - regulation of the water temperature is impossible here, since all heating radiators for industrial premises are installed in series;
  • two-pipe - temperature regulation is permissible and is carried out using thermostats on radiators installed in parallel.

Heating boilers serve as heat generators for the water heating system. By the type of fuel consumed, they are: gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electric, combined. For heating small industrial premises, stoves with a water circuit are used.

It is necessary to choose the type of boiler based on the needs and capabilities of a particular enterprise. For example, the ability to connect to the gas main will be an incentive to purchase a gas boiler. In the absence of natural gas, a diesel or improved solid fuel unit is preferred. Electric heating boilers for industrial premises are used quite often, but only in small buildings.

At the height of the heating season, failures or accidents in gas and power supply systems may occur, therefore it is advisable to have an alternative heating unit at the enterprise.

Combined boilers for heating industrial premises are much more expensive, but they are equipped with several types of burners: rgas-wood, gas-diesel, and even gas-diesel-electricity.

Air heating of industrial premises

Heat is transported through the air duct system throughout the production hall
Heat is transported through the air duct system throughout the production hall

The air heating system at each specific industrial enterprise can be used as the main one, or as an auxiliary one. In any case, installation of air heating in a workshop is cheaper than water heating, since there is no need to install expensive boilers for heating industrial premises, lay pipelines and install radiators.

Advantages of an air heating system for a production facility:

  • saving the area of ​​the working area;
  • energy efficient consumption of resources;
  • simultaneous heating and air purification;
  • uniformity of room heating;
  • safety for the well-being of employees;
  • no risk of leaks and freezing of the system.

Air heating of a production facility can be:

  • central - with a single heating unit and a branched network of air ducts through which heated air is carried throughout the workshop;
  • local - air heaters (air heating units, heat guns, air heat curtains) are located directly in the room.

In a centralized air heating system, to reduce energy costs, a recuperator is used, which partially uses the heat of the internal air to heat fresh air from the outside. Local systems do not recuperate, they only heat the indoor air, but do not provide an inflow of outside air. Wall-ceiling air heating units can be used to heat individual workplaces, as well as to dry any materials and surfaces.

By giving preference to air heating of industrial premises, plant managers seek savings by significantly reducing capital costs.

Electrical heating of industrial premises

Industrial electric convectors are protected and approved for installation even in fire-hazardous premises
Industrial electric convectors are protected and approved for installation even in fire-hazardous premises

Choosing an electric heating method, you should consider two options for heating workshop or warehouse premises:

  • using electric heating boilers for industrial premises;
  • using portable electric heating devices.

In some cases, it is advisable to install small electric ovens for heating industrial premises with a small area and ceiling height.

Electric boilers have an efficiency of up to 99%, their work is fully automated due to the presence of programmable control. In addition to performing a heating function, the boiler can serve as a source of hot water supply. Absolute purity of air is ensured, since there is no emission of combustion products. However, the numerous advantages of electric boilers are negated by the too high cost of the electricity they consume.

Electric convectors can successfully compete with electric boilers in the field of industrial space heating. There are electric convectors with natural convection, as well as with forced air supply. The principle of operation of these compact devices lies in the ability to heat rooms by means of heat exchange. The air passes through the heating elements, its temperature rises, and then it makes the usual cycle of circulation inside the room.

Disadvantages of electric convectors: excessively dry the air, not recommended for heating rooms with high ceilings.

Radiant heating panels have been able to demonstrate their excellent energy saving characteristics in a relatively short period of time. Outwardly, they resemble convectors, but their difference is manifested in the special design of the heating element. The advantage of electric radiant panels is considered to be their property to act on objects in the room, without unnecessarily heating the air. Automatic thermostats help maintain the set temperature.

Whichever of the heating systems of the industrial premises the owner of the company decides to install, his main task should remain concern for the preservation of the health and performance of all company personnel.

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