The procedure for recalculating payments for heating: regulations, rules for drawing up an application

The central heating system in most cases is characterized by frequent malfunctions and non-compliance with standards. Then the apartment owners can raise the issue of changing the amount of payment. There is a certain procedure that allows you to recalculate the payment for heating: a sample application and the rules for drawing up will allow you to carry it out properly.

District heating rates

Before you find out how the recalculation for heating is done, you need to familiarize yourself with the norms of central heating. Inadequate quality of the services provided may cause a change in the amount of payment to the Management Company.

Recalculation of heating services
Recalculation of heating services

The first and necessary condition for normal living in an apartment is maintaining the desired temperature level. Since it is possible to correctly recalculate for heating only after familiarization with the norms of heat supply, it is necessary to find an appropriate regulatory document. Currently, it is the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. Any discrepancy from the requirements unsubscribed in it may become the basis for a recalculation for heating.

This document defines the following rules for heat supply of apartment buildings:

  • Daytime temperature in living rooms... Its minimum value for rooms located in the middle of buildings is early + 18 ° С. For corner rooms, this figure is higher and should be + 20 ° С;
  • Temperature at night in living rooms. It can be three degrees below the daily value;
  • Decrease in temperature outside to -30 ° С... During this period, heating rates increase from + 18 ° C to + 20 ° C and from + 20 ° C to + 22 ° C, respectively. This can be one of the factors how to achieve recalculation for heating;
  • Cumulative time without heating during the month... According to the standards for this period, the absence of heat supply is allowed for a period of no more than 24 hours in total. However, the fact of the shutdown must be recorded. Otherwise, it will be impossible to recalculate for low-quality heating;
  • Permissible time of one-time shutdown... It shouldn't be longer than 16 hours. In this case, a prolonged shutdown is allowed only if the outside temperature has not dropped below -12 ° C.

Failure to comply with these indicators is the basis for the requirement to recalculate utility bills for heating. But for this it is necessary to correctly draw up an application and attach the necessary supporting documents.

If there are several risers in the apartment and one of them does not work, recalculation for the lack of heating is not performed as long as the desired temperature level is maintained. Therefore, it is possible to partially stop the heat supply during the heating season.

When can you issue a recalculation of heating bills?

An application for recalculation of the heating fee can be written on the basis of the decree No. 307 of 23.05.2006. It identifies situations where a change in the amount of payment can be requested from the district heating company. Therefore, before writing an application for the recalculation of heating, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this document in detail.

Receipt with heating recalculation
Receipt with heating recalculation

Its main provisions determine the procedure for performing this procedure and a list of necessary actions. Often, housing and communal services workers do not know the content of this document and refuse to recalculate for heating.

In the event of a similar situation, you can contact a higher authority or the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. It is noteworthy that a sample application for the recalculation of heating bills can be filled out not only in case of interruptions in heat supply. There are a number of other situations when you can reduce the amount of payment for housing and communal services.

Writing an application for the recalculation of heating bills is possible in the event of such situations:

  • Failure of one or more radiators... In this case, the heat transfer of the system decreases and thus the quality of the service deteriorates;
  • Subsidy registration... If after that cavitations come with the same amounts, it is necessary to correctly recalculate for heating. For this, an application is drawn up with the attachment of copies of documents on the required subsidy;
  • Poor quality of services provided... These include deviations from the norms that were described above. However, you need to choose the right basis for the recalculation for heating, since a number of controversial points are possible.

It is important that when one of these situations occurs, supporting documents are issued. Only then will the heating recalculation formula be applied. If interruptions in heat supply occurred due to a breakdown, an act must be drawn up, a copy of which must be kept by the owner of the apartment. To determine the inappropriate degree of heating of the radiators, you should call a commission from the housing department or the management company. They use the equipment to determine the air temperature in living quarters. While performing these actions, it is recommended to check the actual data with those specified in the act. On its basis, you can recalculate for heating.

The recalculation can only be performed once a year. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to carefully prepare, as there will be a lot of paperwork. First of all, you need to determine for yourself the feasibility of its implementation.

Possible reasons for refusal to recalculate for heating

Central heating scheme
Central heating scheme

But the written application for the recalculation of heating is not always valid. There are a number of circumstances in which a reduction in the amount of money will not be carried out. In this case, you should analyze all possible controversial issues and determine exactly that the law is on the side of the apartment owner.

In what cases is the recalculation for heating done and are controversial points possible? To identify them, you should carefully read the contract for the supply of heat supply services. It clearly defines the rights and obligations of the parties.

Clauses on low-quality provision of services and the procedure for compensation are studied without fail. It is there that a clear mechanism for recalculating for poor-quality heating should be described.

If the representatives of the housing office refuse to admit the fact of non-compliance with the contract, this may become the reason for legal proceedings.

It is difficult or almost impossible to achieve recalculation for heating in the following cases:

  • Large heat losses in the apartment... They can be caused by the poor quality of window or door structures, the lack of an insulating layer on the walls. But at the same time, the heat transfer of heating devices must be at the required level;
  • Air locks in risers... This is also a controversial issue of recalculation for no heating. To remove air locks from the one-pipe system, representatives of the housing office must provide access to the apartment where they are located. This is not always possible;
  • Reducing heat transfer in radiators... It is also a controversial issue about the recalculation of utility bills for heating. Nominally, the state of the heating devices should be monitored by the ZhEK employees. But they can say that the owner was not at home at the right time. Often, a compromise is found with the temporary installation of flush taps.

If interruptions in the operation of heating are due to these circumstances, it is not recommended to seek recalculation for heat supply. As a result, the payment amount will remain the same. In this case, the owner of the apartment will lose his time and may be part of the funds for the examination.

The reason for refusal to recalculate for heating should not be at variance with applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, in case of an incorrect decision, it is necessary to conduct a second trial, but at a different, higher level.

Rules for filling out an application for recalculation for heating

Before drawing up an application for recalculating the payment for heat supply, the fact of poor-quality provision of this service should be confirmed. In this case, the supporting document is an act that can be drawn up by representatives of the Housing Office or the Management Company.

Example of an application form for recalculation
Example of an application form for recalculation

An alternative option is to involve 2 neighbors, the chairman of the council of the house, or the elder at the entrance. If these conditions are met, the drawn up act can be attached to the written application for the recalculation of heat supply. The document must indicate the exact address, characteristics of the room and the current temperature value. The main difficulty is the level of the instruments used - they must undergo mandatory verification. This fact is indicated in the act, which serves as the basis for recalculation for poor-quality heat supply.

The standard sample application for the recalculation of heating bills should contain the following items:

  • Correctly filled in "header". It indicates to whom the statement is being arrested and from whom;
  • The reason for the revision of the payment for heating... Most often this is non-compliance with the temperature regime. Be sure to register the exact time and date when the deviation was recorded. Otherwise, there will be no recalculation for heating;
  • Allocation requirements... Indicate the period for which you want to change the amount of payment;
  • Possible consequences of failure... In this paragraph, it can be mentioned that according to the legislation, for each day of poorly provided service, a penalty of three percent of its cost is assumed;
  • List of attached documents... The main basis for the recalculation for heat supply is the act drawn up in advance. It is important that it is written correctly and without inaccuracies.

The last point is more important than filling out a sample application for recalculating payments for heat supply. The technical component of the issue is decisive. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-consult with the ZhEK or the Management Company, providing them with a copy of the document.

The time for making a decision on recalculation for the lack of heat supply is 10 working days. In addition to the document, you can attach independent calculations. This will give value to the document drawn up and, to some extent, will serve as a reconciliation when making a final decision.

When submitting an application for recalculation of utility bills for heat supply, you need to require a copy, but with a "wet" seal of the organization. You also need to find out the incoming number when registering the application.

Example of recalculating heating services

The key point if you want to change the amount of payment for heat supply is independent calculations. Currently, there is no general formula for recalculation for heating, since the reasons for initiating this process can be different - from low temperatures in radiators to a complete shutdown of heat supply.

Heat metering devices in the apartment
Heat metering devices in the apartment

If heat meters are installed in the apartment, then the refusal to recalculate for heating can be justified by the fact that the client pays only for the actual heat. This position is fundamentally wrong.

Indeed, in addition to this, there are heat supply standards that must be strictly observed. Therefore, if the heat losses in the apartment do not exceed the required indicator, you can make an independent calculation on the basis of the compiled act.

Its implementation consists of the following steps.

  1. Calculation of the difference between the standardized and the actual temperature in the apartment at night and during the day.
  2. The time during which a violation of the heat supply rules was recorded. Indicated in hours.
  3. The amount of the required monthly fee.
  4. Calculation of the clearing amount. For each hour of deviation, the monthly fee can be reduced by 0.15% for each degree. In fact, it is necessary to multiply the monthly payment by 0.15%, by the number of hours of deviation from the norm and its value (degrees). This is done separately for daytime and nighttime.

Thus, you can independently calculate the amount of compensation for the deterioration of living conditions. It is important that this is as accurate as possible, all documents are available to confirm the decrease in room temperature.

The video material shows an example of calculating the stalemate for heating with full calculations:
Add a comment

  1. Fatah

    Thank you!!!! in great detail ... but what is the general water heating in the central heating ...

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Always Glade. I did not understand your statement. If you are more specific, then I will gladly answer you.

  2. Elena

    Good day. Tell me how you can achieve a recalculation if the tariff and payment for heating have not changed during the year. And the pressure supply is regulated by a sensor that reacts to the ambient temperature (weather). Accordingly, the warmer it is outside, the colder the batteries. And yet, we pay for heating for the last year. Then why at the current rates?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      If the houses are equipped with a pressure and temperature control system, that is, general house meters, which are checked every month and the cost of services is calculated.
      Sometimes, management companies resort to spreading payments for heating for the whole year, and not only during the heating season. This helps to control the rent, especially for the elderly, when approximately equal money is spent every month, regardless of the season.
      But I don't understand a little about payment for the last year, can you give it more details?

  3. Galina

    I can't get a recalculation for low-quality heating, the batteries are almost cold, but a representative of the UK comes and measures the air temperature in the apartment - 18-19 *, but it didn't heat up from the heating system for which I pay a lot of money. The heating was turned on on 09/23/16, but we neither see nor feel it. Answer if possible by mail.

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      “But it was heated not from the heating system for which I pay a lot of money,” but at the expense of what?
      Conduct an independent examination

  4. Zlata

    Can you please tell me if it is possible to demand a recalculation for heating, if the battery in one of the rooms of a two-room apartment does not work for the second heating season? The management company does not repair, the reasons for the lack of heating in the entire staircase of the entrance does not eliminate. During the day the temperature is +18, in the evening and at night +16. In fact, the battery and the riser do not work, the heating fee is paid in full. And in the Criminal Code they constantly talk about air exchange. But I am interested in the question whether I have the right to demand recalculation for heat if one battery and a riser do not work at all?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      A very controversial point, but in fact, the room temperature is important. After all, you can heat more than 2 for 1 riser.
      It is necessary to look at the specific norms in the room. If they are within the permissible limits, it is a sin to complain, becausethe service was provided in full. In this case, this is heating the apartment, and not running hot water through a specific riser.

  5. Olga Bradbury

    Good day! tell me how to get a recalculation for heating from the UK during October and November, the heating was systematically turned off! the boiler room is operating in emergency mode, requests for the lack of heating were recorded, there are all numbers in the statement, but the recalculation was never done! Emergency situations were also recorded, and the last time they turned off the heating for the whole day and said that it was a planned shutdown in NOVEMBER! the whole town had a heating problem! today received a receipt in the e-office and there is no recalculation! what else do I need to do?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Recalculation is always made after a written request to the Criminal Code. Come to them and ask what to do. They will direct you where to go and tell you everything.
      Otherwise, fix their recalculations in writing and submit an application.

  6. Doluma

    Hello, can you tell me, I wrote an application to the Management Campaign of my district about the recalculation of utilities for heat supply during my absence due to study leave and provided a copy of a certificate from the university. Before that, I simply provided certificates from the university, this month they demanded an application for recalculation from me, earlier they did not require an application from me, I just gave them a certificate. As a result, I asked them that before I had not written any statements and just gave a certificate from the university, and now it turns out that for the periods that I had given them earlier certificates, they believed that if they told me that I needed to write a statement, I would write. If I have now provided all my certificates for the last 1.5 years, can I get a recalculation

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      In theory, you can ask for a recalculation, but you need to see if there are any limitations on the statute of limitations.
      Write unequivocally, and then they will be counted, and rejoice. But there shouldn't be any problems.

  7. Alexander

    Tell me. In October, we did not have heating throughout the village. But our Management Company issued an invoice for this month. What form should you use to draw up an application? Please tell me. Best regards, Alexander

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Go to the UK and there write an application for recalculation by hand in free form. They themselves will prompt and tell you everything.

  8. Vera

    Tell me, in a single payment in the line there is a recalculation, more than a thousand were thrown for heating. I ask the neighbors of the same apartments and one riser each, everyone has different things, i.e. nothing, but who have different amounts, there are no heating meters in the apartments. how to demand the withdrawal of an extra surcharge. If you have to pay extra, then everyone is the same amount, I understand correctly.

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      No, it’s wrong.
      Contact the UK directly and ask for clarification for what exactly the recalculation was carried out - general house needs, the total consumption indicator relative to the area of ​​the room, etc.
      Most often, this is how the actual value of the indicators taken from the meters is correlated with the standard values.

  9. Elena

    Good day. From June to October, they turn off the heating, and the rent payments come in full and the heating is turned on, we don't pay for the heating. Is it correct?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      You need to contact the Criminal Code. They can spread their heating bills for the whole year so that they pay less and there are no jumps in payment depending on the season.

  10. Nina

    Good day! Can you please tell me if I can ask the Criminal Code to recalculate if the dryer in the bathroom does not work during the entire heating season?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      And for what reason does it not work?

  11. Tatyana

    Can you please tell me if it is possible to demand a recalculation for heating if the (corner) wall in the apartment is thin. (The house was commissioned with such a defect 1.5 bricks-wall thickness, with the standard in Kirov 90 cm - 6 bricks) Repair of the Criminal Code does not,
    In the afternoon, the temperature is +15, in the kitchen - + 13. in the bathroom less than +10. in the evening and at night + 16 and below. The payment for heating is paid in full. And in the Criminal Code they constantly say that the developer is to blame. But I am interested in the question of whether I have the right to demand recalculation for heat if the house is cold all winter. Every winter we have water freezing in pipes (in the bathroom and in the kitchen)

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      You have a very serious problem, and you are trying to solve it just took a penalty from the Criminal Code for heating?
      In theory, you have no right, tk. the service is delivered to you in full. Heat losses are already occurring due to open windows, thin walls, etc. etc. it's not UK's fault

  12. Tatyana

    Please tell me! Submitted an application to the Criminal Code for the recalculation of heating charges for 2016. There is a general house counter, but they are charged by container. An answer came from the Criminal Code that the recalculation will be made in 2017, without specifics. Wait?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Yes. As a rule, when heating is supplied in autumn 2017, there will be a recalculation for the 2016 heating season

  13. Oksana

    Please tell me! In March and April, the batteries are barely warm, because. heat less (stoker), Can we demand a recalculation for heating? UK reduces heating costs in the spring, but we still pay as in winter.

  14. Anna

    in February, the management company changed, the heating system was increased by 2 times, the GBU claim that the calculation is made according to the MOEK figures, the moek, in turn, switches the arrows to the GBU, because the house meter is in their service. what to do, it is not clear

  15. Elena

    I can't get a recalculation for low-quality heating, the batteries are almost cold, but a representative of the UK comes and measures the air temperature in the apartment - 18-19 *, but it didn't heat up from the heating system for which I pay a lot of money. The heating was turned on on 09/23/16, but we neither see nor feel it. Answer if possible by mail.
    Sincerely, Elena!!!

  16. Larissa

    They refuse to recalculate us for heating during shutdown periods (3 days), for heating only at night, and for February, since there are 28 days in February, is it legal?

  17. Maxim

    Hello! Please tell me, the house has a common house metering unit that broke down in the month of December. In the period from January to March, the Criminal Code calculated on average values, and in April, according to the standard. For four months, the Criminal Code did not carry out robots to repair and restore the operation of the metering unit. Can I demand a recalculation for a given period,
    Thank you.

  18. svetlana

    On December 28, 2017, the batteries in my apartment were broken and cut off, an act was provided in the housing and communal services, but the recalculation is not done. said that it is necessary to make changes to the technical passport at home. what to do?

  19. Ksenia

    Hello! Due to the renovation on the top floor, I do not have heating in the apartment, the neighbor said until the repair was made, the radiators would not turn on. How to act in this situation?

  20. Lina

    Hello! We have a three room apartment. two corner rooms. In the house of the type, heating has already been given for three weeks, but we will put on the risers the batteries are barely warm in one of the corner rooms and in the kitchen, in the other two rooms the batteries are ice-cold. The Criminal Code does not react to this in any way, and does not accept an application for recalculation. since the average temperature in apartments is 20 degrees. I could not understand the logic of those who created the document about the temperature in quarters. It turns out that it is possible to turn on one riser in the apartment, and if the temperature somehow keeps 20 degrees from it in the whole apartment, then it is possible not to start heating at all in the rest of the rooms all winter?

  21. Nina

    And I'm wondering why they set the same amount for heating from October to April, if in October the heating season starts on the 15th and ends on the 15th in April?

  22. Maxim

    Hello, is it possible to achieve a recalculation for heating (according to a heat meter) if heat meters are installed in each apartment of an apartment building, as well as one common one for non-residential premises. Currently, the management company calculates the average monthly heating rates.

  23. Natalia

    Hello! tell me how to achieve recalculation for heating during the 2016-2017 heating season. When accruing, a multiplying factor was applied in connection with the prescription of the RTS.

  24. Olga

    We have such a situation. The Criminal Code refuses to recalculate for heating, citing the fact that according to GOST, air temperature measurements in a room must be carried out at an outside air temperature not higher than -5C. And since the temperatures were higher in our region for the entire period of October-November 2017, the UK measurements were not made and recalculation for this period was refused. I independently drew up acts, which were signed by the neighbors, stating that the temperature, despite the fact that it was warm outside, in the apartment was 17C. But the Criminal Code does not take this into account. How to be?

  25. Olga

    Tatyana, how did you end up in an apartment that did not comply with SNiPs? If you bought this apartment or the authorities provided it to you, then the freezing of the walls is the basis for terminating the contract. I do not agree with Valery in the sense that the Criminal Code is not responsible. They took the house on balance in this state. According to the law on the protection of consumer rights, you can present a claim both to the Criminal Code, because you pay for it, and to the person who provided the apartment in such a state. Write a complaint to GZI.

  26. Tatyana

    Hello! Can you please tell me if I can demand a recalculation of heat supply, if 8 years ago we refused heating and the heating network workers installed plugs in the places where the batteries should be. Those. there are no batteries in the apartment at all, but I left for another land, and all this time a relative lived in the map, who died there, I did not touch on these matters, and now, when I arrived, I found out that there was a huge debt and a penalty to him, that contract, when the batteries were removed, was lost, and in the tpploset they say that now everything is different and regardless of whether there are batteries in the house, they take it from the square. Am I entitled to some recalculation and if so, what should I do for this? thanks in advance

  27. Victor

    The new house has a closed heating system, the heat meter shows +49 at the entrance,
    and on the return flow +30 at external t = (-12) degrees, at the maximum opening of the radio-
    torus temperature in the room +21. With a complete shutdown of all radiators (carried out
    the experiment itself) +18.5 Can I demand a recalculation for heating and whether
    here is the Criminal Code which says that everything is normal.

  28. Dmitriy

    The apartment is cold (about 12-14) degrees. The housing office cannot do anything. I want to request a recalculation, but apparently those from whom I bought the apartment are to blame, since they did not do the heating well and the return line does not heat at all and the pipes are slightly warm.

  29. Sergey

    Can I apply for a recalculation of heating, if in our apartment building several apartments were cut off from centralized heating and gas boilers were installed. The amount of the rest of the tenants has increased significantly.

  30. Valeria

    Hello. Uk charges heating according to the standard, although there is a common house meter. When asked what is the reason, they answer that there is a pressure surge and therefore the meter does not give a correct reading. The village is not large, and the problem is not only in our house, but in everyone where common house meters are installed. how to solve the problem, how to force recalculations for heating?

  31. Larissa

    Good afternoon, I have been living in a newly-built house since 2015 where heat control units have been installed for each apartment. The heating company calculates the payment monthly according to its own standards. In 2016, they made a recalculation to tenants who provided reports on heat supply by meters.This year, they did not recalculate for 2017 and added the amount for heating for each month. I have an average of 0.5-0.7 Gcal per meter, the heat company overestimates these indicators by 2 times. Who to contact for clarification

  32. Gennady

    Good time of the day

    Why do you have to pay twice for heating water ?:
    1. When calculating according to the indications of the IPU (calculated according to the standard for heating);
    2. As part of a joint passage with a coolant (for heating) along the control room.

  33. Maria.

    Good day! In our houses, heating was given on September 23, and they took payment exactly half a month, i.e. from the 15th, although the heating season was officially announced from the 17th. I will give my own example of payment: in September, according to the receipt for heating, I was charged 1088 rubles 88k, and for October 2161 rubles 88k. Please explain how to submit a collective demand for the recalculation of the payment taken, because we are several people from nearby houses.

  34. Arthur

    Hello, is it possible to make a recalculation if we have an individual heating meter, but the company calculates the cost for general household consumption ?! They refer to the fact that the house is not one year old and that ALL apartment owners need to write an application for the transition from such a calculation to an individual one.

  35. Vera

    Hello, is it possible to make a recalculation if we bought an apartment, and the heating was charged on the basis of 66.5 m2, and according to the documents, we have an area of ​​33.4 m2, and in the settlement center we were told that they did not do the recalculation for heating, they said what was needed pay all invoices and from next month they will calculate based on an area of ​​33.4 m2, and am I obliged to pay these bills if the amount for heating is 2 times overstated?

  36. Svetlana

    Good day! Can I apply for a recalculation for heating due to the warm winter? Which document to refer to?

  37. Ludmila

    Help me figure out this situation. A month did not work until the riser in the bathroom was completely turned off. I declared 3 times to the dispatcher, they said that someone cut off the riser and there was a plug. wrote a letter to the management company. They replied that the riser would be repaired over the summer, but they refused to recalculate, referring to the fact that there is a common meter on the house. Are they right or wrong?

  38. Svetlana

    Good day! Please tell me if heating is charged according to the standard evenly throughout the year (there is no common house meter), can we contact the UK so that they would recalculate the heating payment for the period when the heating was turned off (during the heating season).
    And it’s also very strange, you advise us to contact the Criminal Code so that they would tell us what to do in problem situations…. but since they also have to recalculate (ie strain), the answer (checked in other situations) will be - “Recalculation cannot be done. We don't know where to go. There was an emergency. "
    Thank you!

  39. Olga

    Hello. Can you please tell me if I can demand a recalculation for heating, if an old-style battery leaked in one of my rooms. The emergency service arrived, blocked 9 floors in the parking lot. She reported to the Criminal Code, but disputes about replacing the radiator went on for 3 weeks. In cold weather, one living room was not heated

  40. Galina

    Hello! In our apartment building, the volume of individual consumption (heating) in my apartment never got used to 0.99999, and in January 2021 we received receipts from TGK-1 with a meter reading of 1.76000. We pay directly to the TGC, but the management company submits the readings of the meters of the apartment building. How and where to write, to check the reliability of the meter readings, is there a State. The service that deals with such checks? Thank you.

  41. YURI




