3 causes of ice batteries and how to fix them

Cold and warm batteries are no longer a rarity for many. This applies to high-rise buildings and private houses. After all, warmth helps us to find comfort and coziness in our homes. In the absence of proper heating, cold appears in the room, which can contribute to various colds. So what is the cause of ice radiators? And what measures should be taken?

Dirty batteries

First, inspect the pipes through which the coolant goes to you. If they turn out to be hot, then it is necessary to conduct a conversation with the neighbors, find out how things are with their batteries, how warm the radiators are. If it turns out that their temperature is much higher than yours, then the problem should be looked for only in you. Most likely they are contaminated with metal oxides and other dirt. It can also interfere with the flow of the hot media. The contamination of the batteries can still be determined by touching them with your hand. If they are colder from below, and hotter from above, then all the pollution is deposited at the bottom of the batteries themselves. If you try to heat the radiators themselves, the water will warm up and move, then the dirt will probably go away. But you can hardly clean it on your own. Experts are needed here. However, in winter, as a rule, batteries are not cleaned and flushed. Moreover, in our country there is not a single state-owned enterprise that would officially perform such work, only some commercial firms do such work. But they are unlikely to be engaged in cleaning in the cold. In this case, we can only advise you to install new radiators.

There is air in the batteries

You have a new heating system and are convinced that they are not filled with dirt. Then, in this case, the air in the batteries is probably interfering. You can get rid of it yourself. Each radiator is equipped with a tap that can be opened and part of the water can be drained. After this manipulation, they should become hot. There are taps that are located on the batteries themselves, and there are taps on the risers of the heated pipes. You can open the tap on the battery or on the riser itself. To date, they install taps with a handle or Mayevsky's taps. In the first situation, it is clear - you just need to turn the tap handle, and the water will run, and with it the air should come out. If you have an automatic Mayevsky crane, then you will need a screwdriver here. You will need to unscrew the cap, press on the valve, just substitute the dishes in advance, where the water will drain. When it merges, you will need to close the air vent, and you can already be content with heat. In case you have a private house, you will need to check each radiator separately. And if necessary, open the tap and drain the water.

Heating system installation

Today, you can see several types of connections: side, bottom and diagonal. The last location is the best. The connection will be incorrect if hot water flows from the bottom of the batteries. In this case, it will not warm everything up in full. In this situation, the installation of the extension of the fluid channel will help out. An incorrect connection will also be considered lateral. Here in the batteries, as a rule, the first 3-4 subsections are warmed up. Others will remain cold, and only plumbers will be able to cope with this problem.

It so happens that the last floors of residential buildings with hot batteries, and the lower ones with cold ones. Here, most likely, the matter is in the incorrect assembly of the entire heating system.You cannot cope with this problem on your own, here you will need the help of a heating engineer, who is obliged to make calculations for the best heat supply system, and then in the summer to engage in the installation of a new heating system.

Pay your attention to the number of sections in the radiators. If you take each battery separately, then the number of sections should not exceed 12 pieces. This applies to the gravitational system. The circulation system, as a rule, contains no more than 20-24 sections. If your battery has more sections, then they will not warm up sufficiently. Surely, the diameter of the pipes, which is responsible for the distribution of hot water, is still incorrectly selected in the design. If it is too small, then the pressure, accordingly, will be scanty and then, to warm up the batteries to the full, it may not be enough. Here, only the change of pipes with a large diameter will save.

Currently, in many dwellings and private houses, the owners install specialized and modern batteries with thermostats that work without a bypass pipe. But it is better to take care of its installation, otherwise you will have to live in a cold house.

In addition to all the methods that have been described above, it is possible to increase the heat transfer from the batteries in subsequent ways, namely: constantly clean the batteries from dust, fix the foil behind the battery, which will be a reflector, paint it in a dark shade, since it gives off thermal energy well. Take care of your heating system in advance!

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