How and with what you can insulate walls and a house for siding

Insulation for siding is a practical and effective way to reduce heating costs and improve the appearance of a building. This technology can also be considered as restoration of the facade of a building, when its repair for some reason is impossible or associated with unreasonably high costs. Warming of a house for siding can be carried out at the stage of its construction or after a while, when the need arises. In order to properly insulate walls for siding, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this process, the rules for choosing and installing heat-insulating material.

Criteria for choosing insulation for siding

Stone wool as insulation for siding

When choosing insulation for the walls of the house outside for siding, one should focus on a number of criteria, on which the quality of the final result will depend immediately after the end of the work and in the long term.

Insulation under siding for outdoor use is assessed according to the following indicators:

  1. Coefficient of thermal conductivity. Determines the ability of a material to transfer thermal energy through itself. In construction it is designated by the letter λ, measured in W / (m² × ° K). The lower this indicator, the higher the insulating qualities of the insulation.
  2. Water absorption. Indicates the property of a material to absorb water and retain it in its bulk. It is measured as a percentage of the volume of the substance relative to the absorbed moisture. When wet, the weight of the insulation increases, the thermal conductivity decreases.
  3. Water vapor permeability. It characterizes the property of a substance to pass steam when the pressure on both sides is equal. The indicator is measured in mg / (m2 × h × Pa) and is taken into account when insulating structures made of wood, aerated concrete and other materials that also have ventilation qualities with siding. For buildings made of concrete, iron and plastic, it is not taken into account, since the listed substances are vapor-tight.
  4. Fire hazard. Indicates the ability of a material to ignite and sustain combustion. Flammability indicators are assessed as G1-5, non-combustible compositions are marked with NG marking.
  5. Density. Indicates the amount of mass per unit volume of the insulation, measured in kg / m³. In the calculations, it is taken into account as a load on the bearing surface.
  6. Mechanical strength. It characterizes the ability of a substance to maintain its integrity under vertical pressure, stretching and twisting. Since the insulation under the siding is not subjected to any stress, this technology does not take into account the indicator.
  7. Biological inertness. Indicates the resistance of the material to the development of fungi and mold in it, as well as unattractiveness to animals and insects.
  8. Ecological cleanliness. An indicator of the absence or volume of substances harmful to the environment that the material emits.

An important criterion for choosing a heater for a country house is its durability. You should dwell on products, the service life is 50 years or more.

Types of heaters

Expanded polystyrene - modification of polystyrene

When choosing insulation for the walls of a wooden house outside for siding, it is better to dwell on time-tested materials from reliable manufacturers.

There are these types of insulation:

  • Inflated. This category includes ecowool and polyurethane foam. The substances are applied to the surface with a spray gun, but this is where their similarity ends.Ecowool is made of cellulose; after hardening, it remains in the same volume as when applied. At the same time, the substance has high vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. It's different with polyurethane foam. It is fed to the wall in the form of a liquid, and then foams and quickly solidifies. The material has excellent insulating qualities, but does not allow steam to pass through at all.
  • Mineral wool. This class includes slabs and rolls made of glass, metallurgical slag and volcanic rocks. The thickness of the insulation varies within 10-20 cm with a width of 60 cm and a length of 120 cm. Knauf, Rockwool, Izover and Technonikol are the most popular in the construction of mineral wool. A high level of hygroscopicity is combined with good vapor permeability. Considering these properties of the material, it is necessary to insulate it with a membrane fabric. The cloth provides free passage of steam without trapping it in the mat. Mineral wool is used to insulate houses made of wood, brick and aerated concrete.
  • Based on expanded polystyrene. Polyfoam is the most popular and widespread material in both private and professional construction. The industry produces expanded polystyrene in the form of plates with a thickness of 2-20 cm, a width of 60 cm and 100 cm, and a length of 100 cm and 120 cm. Manufacturing technology is subdivided into pressing granules and manufacturing by extrusion. In the first case, a layer of closed balls is obtained, and in the second, a porous substance with open cells. The most popular are products of the Penoplex, Styrex, Technonikol, Primaplex brands, which are distinguished by high performance characteristics. Considering the combustibility of expanded polystyrene, it is not used in open form. Application of plaster is used, which leads to a rise in the cost of the structure.

To choose the right material for insulation, you need to take into account the composition of the walls, the climate, the level of precipitation and your own capabilities. It is not worth making a priority on prices, since they are not always an indicator of quality.

Pros and cons

Polyurethane foam is sprayed with a continuous layer, does not leave cold bridges

You should familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of materials, their positive and negative properties. A mistake in planning can lead to big troubles in the near future after the end of construction.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • elasticity;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation.


  • hygroscopicity, insulation needs additional finishing;
  • shrinkage under its own weight;
  • release of volatile fibers during installation.

Advantages of expanded polystyrene:

  • ease;
  • waterproofness;
  • strength and hardness;
  • long service life.


  • use without protection is impossible;
  • decomposition by ultraviolet radiation;
  • fragility;
  • flammability;
  • lack of soundproofing properties;
  • the material does not allow steam to pass through.
Blown cellulose insulation

Advantages of sprayed materials:

  • speed of application;
  • filling of all cracks, cavities, including hard-to-reach ones;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • biological resistance.


  • flammability;
  • high cost of equipment or professional services.

When choosing an external insulation, all its characteristics should be analyzed and only after that a decision should be made.

Installation of insulation under siding

Stages of installation of insulation on a wooden beam

Installation of insulated siding is not particularly difficult and can be done by hand, without the involvement of assistants.

For work you will need:

  • perforator, grinder, screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • level, tape measure, square;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • hacksaw;
  • steel profile;
  • insulation;
  • siding.

A common mistake of craftsmen is the use of dark iron hardware. Over time, they are completely destroyed by corrosion.Use galvanized or stainless steel fasteners.

For the installation of siding, another row of slats is required

The house should be insulated in the following sequence:

  1. Prepare the base. Remove lighting fixtures, plates, electrical wiring, telecommunication cables, platbands from the walls. Clean the base made of bricks, foam blocks, concrete from sagging and unstable fragments. Carry out surface treatment with antiseptic and deep penetration primer.
  2. Make a crate. The material can be a wooden beam or a steel profile. The distance between the vertical fragments of the frame is taken equal to the width of the solid slabs and is 1-1.5 cm less than the fragments of mineral wool. Treat the crate against rotting and corrosion.
  3. Carry out the installation of insulation. Expanded polystyrene is glued, and then fixed on the wall with disc dowels. The remaining slots are blown out with polyurethane foam. Mineral wool is inserted into the frame and is held in it due to the elastic force. Additional mounting is not required. The foam is applied between the fragments of the frame, the excess is cut off after hardening.
  4. Install a windproof foil for foam or a membrane sheet for a porous insulation.

The final step is to strengthen the siding. It is recommended to place the panels horizontally to prevent water infiltration under the finish.

Examples of technologies

Laying insulation in an aluminum frame

The choice of the method of laying the material is made based on the composition of the base, the thickness and configuration of the insulation.

In private construction, the following options are possible:

  • Single-layer installation in the frame cell. It is used for finishing buildings made of foam concrete, brick and wood, the walls of which themselves have good thermal insulation.
  • Two-layer styling. It is used in cold climates and when insulating buildings with thin walls. To accommodate the material, a cross lattice is made, into which slabs and mats are staggered.
  • Frameless option. It is used when insulating a building with expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam. Only the siding frame is attached to the walls and insulation is already attached between them.

Before deciding on the methods of insulation, it is recommended to consult with specialists.
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