Do-it-yourself construction of a chicken coop for 5 chickens - winter and summer option

Building a chicken coop with your own hands for 5 chickens is important for a small family that plans to eat homemade eggs throughout the year. This number of birds is enough for 2-3 people. Before erecting a building, it is necessary to draw up a drawing and familiarize yourself with the construction technology.

Types and arrangement of a chicken coop

For breeding birds in the courtyard, it is necessary to build a special structure - a chicken coop

The house for chickens is of two types - for summer and winter. The choice of option depends on the climatic zone and the availability of free space on the site. The poultry house includes the following premises:

  • bedroom;
  • walking place;
  • perch;
  • nests;
  • drinkers;
  • containers for shell rock;
  • pallets for collecting droppings.

You can make any kind of chicken coop yourself:

  • The summer option is a small building made of lumber. Additionally equipped with an open-air cage. Standard parameters 3x1.5 meters can accommodate up to 10 birds.
  • Mobile - a compact house with a roost, nests and a place to walk. Often it is two-tiered - the chickens are resting on the top, they are walking below.
  • Stationary with placement on the ground - a functional structure with the ability to accommodate adults and young animals. The main difference from small poultry houses is the number of storeys, where the upper tier is occupied by chicks.
  • Stationary with a suspension system - a capital building for year-round keeping of chickens.

The development of birds is facilitated by freedom of movement, so the house is equipped with an aviary closed on all sides with a netting.

Area calculation and location selection

When planning a chicken coop, you need to provide a walking place.

With regard to poultry farming as an industry, sanitary regulations have been developed, according to which a maximum of 3 layers are allowed per 1 m². The building is designed taking into account the convenience of feeding, collecting eggs and cleaning. Chickens need to feel comfortable, which is achieved by the presence of an area for walking, perches and nests.

The average dimensions of a winter chicken coop for 5 chickens are 1.5 m in length and 0.5 m in width with a height of 1 m. The dimensions of the structure can be adjusted based on the tasks and characteristics of the site.

The location is selected in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on it throughout the day. The sides must be protected from the wind, otherwise there is a risk of developing colds in birds. If the site is small, a walking area is organized under the chicken coop, and the house itself is made suspended.

List of materials and tools

A concrete solution is prepared for the base

To create a chicken coop on the site, it is necessary to draw up a project indicating the layout and dimensions of the building. Depending on the seasonality of the house, the following materials are selected:

  • concrete mortar for the base;
  • timber;
  • boards;
  • plywood;
  • roofing felt or other roofing material;
  • mesh and metal clips for walking;
  • screws, nails.

The set of tools depends on the size of the structure. Basic kit:

  • plane;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • mallet;
  • ax;
  • a hammer.

After the equipment is assembled and building materials are purchased, it is necessary to start work.

Summer chicken coop construction technology

Column foundation for a chicken coop

Poultry breeders recommend making a simple, but complete version of a chicken coop for 5 chickens. The manufacture of buildings of a stationary type begins with the construction of the base.


Traditionally, a poultry house is built 2x2 meters with a height of 1.7 m. A columnar foundation is prepared. The base is erected after marking. Materials for making pillars:

  • old brick;
  • a rock;
  • wood;
  • cemented pipes.

The foundation is built on three supports on each side, and a grillage from a bar is installed on top. After the completion of the work, the base is left for 30 days.

The walls and roof of the chicken coop

Inside the walls of the hen house sheathed with OSB sheets

For the construction of a poultry house for five layers, it is important to use a frame wall system. For this, a panel crate is being constructed. The cells are clogged with layers of clay and straw. Before the installation of vertical surfaces, waterproofing is laid on the floor.

Wall Tooling Guide:

  • Fasten the vertical fragments of the frame to the frame of the lower strapping with self-tapping screws. Connect with the upper harness made of a wooden bar of the appropriate section.
  • Cover the inside of the surface with OSB sheets.
  • For exterior decoration, it is recommended to use materials that are consonant with the style of other buildings on the site. To increase the thermal insulation properties, lay a layer of mineral wool inside the frame.
  • The door and windows can be installed in any wall, but it is better to do this on the leeward side.

After assembling the frame, the construction of the roof begins - it is recommended to choose the gable version. OSB boards are optimal as cladding, since they have low thermal conductivity. Roofing material and sheet materials are suitable for finishing the roof.


Planks with a thickness of 50 mm are suitable for arranging the floor. The coating is laid in two layers with insulation. You will also need a beam of 100x100 mm and a lower bar of 26 mm. Clean the surface of the wood with a plane. Make a rectangular hole in the base - the hole will serve as the entrance to the house. Cover the floor with lime and put at least 5 cm thick litter. Materials can be straw, sawdust or peat.

Ventilation and lighting system

Forced ventilation

For a chicken coop, it is important to use natural draft ventilation to reduce the level of humidity in the room. The hood is placed high above the perches with an outlet outside the roof. The supply pipe is installed in the opposite corner at a height of 25 cm from the floor surface.

The construction of a small chicken coop for 5 chickens implies the following lighting option:

  1. Installation of 60 W lighting fixtures above the feeding area.
  2. The sockets are used with a protective cover.
  3. Lamps are placed in an amount of 5 pieces. for 1 m².

Poultry farmers recommend choosing infrared lighting to avoid drying out the air. In addition, such devices heat only those areas where the beam falls.

Installation of feeders and drinkers

Bunker or homemade models are used as feeders. They are installed at a height of 15 cm from the floor. If the pallets are placed at the bottom, this area will quickly begin to damp. Water supply containers are best made of wood or plastic. The presence of sides with a height of 2 cm is required. Additionally, you can equip a tank under the shell rock to improve digestion.

Nuances of building a winter chicken coop

Winter chicken coop on stilts

Experienced poultry farmers recommend building a winter chicken coop with their own hands for 5 stationary-type chickens with installation on a foundation. The best option is a columnar base. It is erected from block materials with a slight deepening into the ground. A harness is attached at the top, which serves as a support for the structure.

If the dacha is small, and the plot is flat, then you can refuse to build a foundation. To protect against gusts of wind, simply place the house on small stands and secure it with stakes.

Poultry breeders' recommendations

For construction, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly materials.

In the construction of a poultry house for five hens, it is recommended to use modern environmentally friendly materials. This contributes to the creation of a favorable indoor climate and the maintenance of the health of the livestock. The best option is a tree.

After processing with special compounds, lumber becomes resistant to mice and bark beetles. Wood retains heat and has a high level of sound insulation. In addition, the installation of such a structure takes no more than 3 days.

Building a house involves windows and doors that provide a natural source of light. However, they cannot be kept open in winter, therefore it is necessary to create an automatic ventilation system and artificial light.
Add a comment

  1. Elena

    Chickens will freeze in winter. It is necessary to heat the chicken coop. This is the main problem



